The Tie That Binds

Hello! Thank you for your desire to help us spread the word about our Virtual Fundraiser on Fri, Sept 25! We have a great day of events planned, but by sharing the opportunity for your friends and family to join us as financial supporters is what will make this day a success. You can hear me talk a bit more about the details in this short video:
Directly below, you will find two shareable images as well as two sets of text that you can use: via email, on your social channels, in a text message, or for our ministry partners, on your website. If you’re interested in hosting a microevent in your home, scroll down even further to see the guide for making those events a success. THANK YOU! Jenna ([email protected])

#1: Since 2014 Family Time Training has hosted an annual fall fundraiser local event in Colorado. Like many other life events in 2020, the fundraiser will look different this year and your help is needed more than ever! The best news is that our friends all over the globe can participate in this year’s Virtual Fundraiser, “The Tie That Binds.”

I hope you’ll consider joining me as a financial partner to see families engaging God’s Word at home in fun and meaningful ways. Every gift impacts a family. You can make your gift by going to or texting FALL2020 to 44-321. The goal is to raise $8,000 during this one day event. This will support the creation of brand-new Bible activities for families, online training events, and free materials to help families get started on their Family Time discipleship journey.

If you make a gift of $20 or more BEFORE September 25, Family Time will send you an exclusive “The Tie That Binds” Family Time Activity packet. Or, make your gift ON September 25 for other fun incentives and giveaways. Family Time will have content all day between 10am-8pm MST, but you can review the schedule of events at to decide when you’d like to tune in. Call or email me with questions. Thanks for considering a gift to Family Time!

#2: In this very unusual season, Family Time Training has been able to provide excellent Bible resources for families to the generosity of our supporters. Financial partnership keeps the mission – to train and equip parents and grandparents to pass the Christian faith to the next generation in the home – running smoothly year after year.

Now is the time to invest in a ministry that is putting God and family first. Your gift will help more and more Christian families to have the tools they need to raise up Biblically literate children and grandchildren. Our goal is to raise $8,000 or about $250/family. One time gifts are welcomed and becoming part of our monthly support team is encouraged! You can make your gift by going to or texting FALL2020 to 44-321.

If you make a gift of $20 or more BEFORE September 25, Family Time will send you an exclusive “The Tie That Binds” Family Time Activity packet. Or, make your gift ON September 25 for other fun incentives and giveaways. Family Time will have content all day between 10am-8pm MST, but you can review the schedule of events at to decide when you’d like to tune in. Call or email me with questions. Thanks for considering a gift to Family Time!

Checklist for Planning Your Microevent (Click HERE for a printable version)
  • Decide where you will host your event: your home? a local coffee shop or restaurant? a park?
  • Secure the venue, if needed.
  • Decide on a 90-minute window that will include: welcome, gathering around the table, sharing your FT story, doing the FT activity, watching the FT appeal video, and providing time for guests to respond to what God is doing through FT.
  • PRAY and ask God to help you invite the people who need to hear the mission of Family Time Training and may desire to partner financially.
PRE-EVENT PROMOTIONAL MATERIALS (share these 1-3 months before your event)
PRE-EVENT TIMELINE/SHOPPING LIST (2-3 weeks before your event)
  • Use the stipend you received from Family Time and budget your food, drink, and hard materials cost
    • Decide on your menu (if working with a local business, you may need to place a catering order at this time)
    • Purchase non-perishable items including any decor you’d like to include
  • Keep an eye open for your supply packet from Family Time (should arrive by USPS at least 2 weeks prior to your event date)
    • Family Time activity: “The Tie That Binds”
    • Activity supplies: rope, key rings
    • Giving Opportunity forms and envelopes
    • What is FTT hand cards
    • ED business cards
  • Practice how you will share your personal testimony of Family Time
  • Set up at your home or restaurant
    • Small table with printed materials and activity supplies
    • Computer or television cued with video(s)
    • Prepare or order food and drinks
EVENT DAY MATERIALS (have at the event and organized to provide to each guest)
OTHER EVENT DAY MATERIALS: All can be found at
  • **Computer with HDMI link to your television screen
  • Link to What is FT? video (if needed to supplement your FTT testimonial)
  • Link to Appeal Video
  • Link to Give
POST-EVENT (1-3 days after the event)
  • Expect a call and email from Jenna to discuss the success of your event
  • Send by mail any paper checks guests may have handed to you. (Send to Jenna Hallock: PO Box 470 Littleton, CO 80160)
  • Email the guest list with contact information