Let’s continue the conversation of fighting like Jesus does.

Last week we read, “ For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does,” 2 Corinthians 10:3

Verse 4 of 2 Corinthians 3 says, “The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.”

In Ephsians 6:14-17 we learn that, through the Holy Spirit, we have the full armor of God. If God didn’t want us to fight, why would He give us armor? Let’s mentally put the armor on our children today.

As believers, God gives them the belt of truth (so they don’t get tripped up running into battle against the lies and deception in the world), the breastplate of righteousness (to protect their hearts by living in righteousness not having any reason to fear corruption or deception of their hearts), and the shoes of the readiness of the Gospel of peace (feet shod with shoes that let them run toward those who are ready for the truth about Jesus). We clamp on the shield of faith with which God will extinguish the fiery arrows of the evil one. There’s not an if here… the arrows are coming and it’s our children’s faith that enables them to withstand the enemy’s onslaught.

We put on the helmet of salvation to keep us thinking right and redeemed thoughts and the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God. When they have the Word of God, God can remind our children all throughout the day of His truths.

Knowing that my children can be equipped for battle soothes my heart and steadies my mind. I hope it does for you, too! If you don’t know where your children stand spiritually, make time to talk about it. The armor is only given as a gift to those who believe, and our armor can only do so much for our children without them choosing to have faith.

This armor has divine power and it demolishes strongholds! “A pattern that goes on and on and continues to cause problems is a stronghold.” – Scott Turansky, National Center for Biblical Parenting.

We don’t want anything holding onto our children that isn’t of God. These strongholds can cause our children to forget they are in a fight, who The Victor is, and their purpose in the fight.

We must pray for our children and trust God to arm them and keep them alert for the battles ahead. They will go up against strongholds, but with God’s strength and the armor, they will demolish those strongholds.

Which of the armor do each of your children need most this week? Why?