September 12th is National Encouragement Day. Here’s an activity your family can do to encourage one another.

BIG IDEA We should encourage each other as a family.
KEY SCRIPTURE 1 Thessalonians 5:11
MATERIALS Enough Sticky notes for each person to give to everyone else in the family, markers
PREPARATION 1. Grab enough sticky notes for each person to give to everyone else in the family and some markers.


September 12th is National Encouragement Day. Encouragement is a powerful gift we can give each other in our family. It’s free and all it takes from us is time.

1 Thessalonians 5:11 says, “So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.”

What are some of the things people in our family have done to encourage you in the last few months?

Listen to answers.

There was a man in the Bible who was so encouraging to people that they stopped calling him by his given name, Joseph, and started calling him his nickname, Barnabas (which means “Son of Encouragement”).

When the disciples were concerned that a man named Saul couldn’t be trusted, Barnabas stood up for him. He encouraged Saul to continue to preach boldly in the Name of Jesus. He even risked his life on missionary journeys with Saul.

There are many ways to encourage other people. I’m going to share some ways we can encourage others and I want you to come up with an example of each kind of encouragement.

You can affirm someone when s/he is doing the right thing. Share an example of this. Listen to answers.
You can complement someone’s work. Share an example of this. Listen to answers.
You can stand up for someone to others. Share an example of this. Listen to answers.
You can cheer someone on when they are doing something challenging. Share an example of this. Listen to answers.
You can write words of encouragement to someone who is feeling sad or discouraged. Share an example of this. Listen to answers.
You can tell someone something true about themselves to encourage them. Share an example of this. Listen to answers.

Let’s encourage each other by telling each other something true about each other.

If your children can write, have them write something true and encouraging about each person in the family on a different sticky note. When everyone is finished writing, go around the circle of your family and have one person read all their sticky notes aloud then stick the note on that person’s shirt.

If your children can’t write, yet, go around the circle of your family and have each person say something true and encouraging about each other one person at a time.

What did it feel like to hear those true things about you?

Listen for answers.

It’s important for us to encourage one another. Whenever you get a chance to encourage someone in our family, take it! It’s a great way to show one another love!