All month we’ve been talking about the hurdles to getting started having intentional home discipleship with your children. Over the years, we’ve heard from families about their personal pain points and MANY of them are the same across families. 

Is it difficult to find a regular time to have Family Time in your home? You’re not alone!

Do you feel as though you don’t know the Bible well enough to teach your children? It’s not just you (and bonus – you’ll learn as you teach!). 

Are church programs a simple solution that make your feel spiritual training is taken care of? This is completely normal. 

If you have time, I’d recommend watching our series of videos on Vimeo on the topic (less than 5 minutes each). But if you’re looking for a quick read, here is what other parents are saying:

  1. “We are so busy already it’s hard to find time for Family Time.” It’s true. Our schedules are sometimes so full that it seems impossible to add one more thing. Our encouragement should give you a multi-faceted approach to help you think about making time for what is most important. 
    1. We can all find time for the things that we deem important. Take a look at your calendar – is everything aligned with your values and goals for your family?
    2. If you want Family Time to be a priority in the life of your family, after evaluating your current schedule, find a day and time that will be best to add in this intentional home discipleship for about 20-30 minutes. Put it on the calendar!
    3. Does it still seem impossible to find the time with everything you have going on? Consider the Family Time Format that includes a “no fuss dinner.” If you typically cook dinner, by simplifying your meal to cereal, take-out or PB&J sandwiches on paper plates, you’ve saved yourself at least 30 minutes in your day!
  2. “I don’t know the Bible. How can I teach my kids what I don’t know?” What is amazing about teaching is that it forces us to learn! As you study the lesson in advance, you’ll learn what the Bible is teaching. Family Time activities always bold the words that you can read (like a script) and adapt to your family. If you find you and your family have additional questions, take them to your pastor – they will love to help you find the answers from God’s Word!
  3. “The church has great programs and I don’t think my kids will really like doing Family Time.” First of all, we consistently hear from parents that kids LOVE Family Time. They get to do a fun activity and spend time with YOU. Secondly, we support the local church and church programs are absolutely a key part of discipleship. Be a faithful church member and support your staff and volunteers by participating. But strong family relationships are built through spending time together and especially if that time is spent enjoying growing in faith together. If you want a healthy bond with your child with a foundation on grace and Truth, there is no better way than to make Family Time part of your family.

There are other hurdles and solutions that we address in our Family Time Team curriculum. We always love to hear from you so if you want to learn more about this resource for yourself or for your church please be in touch!