As we have stood on our porch and looked beyond our sidewalks at attitudes of greed, selfishness, and
arrogance, now we turn ourselves back around and look inside our own windows. We may see the same
attitudes happening inside our home.

Just before school began, I heard a handful of mamas say something like, “I can’t wait to get my time
back.” “I just need a break.” “I didn’t sign up to be a homeschool mom. I’m not cut out for this.”
When we got pregnant, many of us thought about what it would be like to raise our children. We base
those thoughts, dreams and expectations on what life looked like (or should have looked like) for us as
children. The reality of children leaving home for school for seven hours a day is a modern concept. God
did not create us and then create teachers in preparation to train our children. We all work together to
train the next generation in whatever ways God has gifted us. I am SO grateful for my children’s
teachers. But it’s not someone else’s job to teach and train my children, it’s mine.
This bizarre feeling of entitlement to a quiet home to ourselves for seven hours to do whatever we want
whenever we want isn’t biblical. The assumption that the school district should “get their act together”
and figure out this hybrid system immediately is arrogant. We must all do our best to get through this
time humbly, serving one another and giving one other grace. No one knows how to do this because
we’ve never faced something like this before.

Even if you don’t want your children home all the time (or 3/5 school days), that’s what God has granted
your family right now. Be the GIFT God intends you to be to your children. Ask for extra help if you need
it (talk to homeschool parent friends for tips and tricks). Stop trying to pass the buck, blame other
people, and hide from the responsibility you’ve been given as a parent. YOU CAN DO THIS. You have
everything you need for you and your children to get through this stronger and smarter than when it
began. Be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.

You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. 2 Timothy 2:1

Take a moment to reflect on any greedy, selfish, or arrogant attitudes that need to be replaced with attitudes on generosity, selflessness and humility in you and your children today. Talk to God about those challenges, trusting Him to lead and guide you in grace.