I’m middle-aged these days. My knees and ankles remind me about it when I’ve not exercised in awhile. I have snap-crackle-pop joints my first time back to High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) videos after a hiatus.

I played a VERY short stint of sports growing up and I wasn’t active for much of my adult life, so my joints crackle at me, reminding me I need to use them and get stronger. There have been seasons in my adult life when a bum, weak knee prevented me from doing fun things with my family. I’m determined to strengthen my joints and muscles so that doesn’t happen again. But I need to be honest that I’m in the deterioration phase of life not the quick bounce-back phase and muscle building simply takes longer.
I want to model for my children what an Active Life looks like. As a family we spend special family time cuddling on the couch watching movies or playing video games together, but some of our favorite memories have been on hikes, on bikes, or on the beach. I want my children to know it’s a blessing to get to be active and have the ability to go, to move, to grow and to explore. I want to have adventures until my knees shut down the adventuring all together.

I want to do normal activities like walking up and down the stairs carrying laundry, taking a walk with one of my children, going on a hike, taking a family bike ride, or playing Wii-Sports together.

I am thankful for this body God gave me! I want to live life to the fullest like He designed me to. I am thankful for an (A)ctive life.

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10

What (A)ctivity can you do with your family, thanking God for the ability to be active together?