Shipping and Handling

  • Ever wonder how to teach kids about modesty without preaching at them? Lesson 2 takes this biblical concept and opens up dialogue in some fun ways.
  • Get your toddler off to the right start discovering God's Word.
  • Go from just reading the Bible with your kids to experiencing it! My First Hands-On Bible does what no other Bible can - it brings the Bible to life with fun activities and games that tie directly to the Bible stories.
  • Preschoolers are special people. They're energetic and inquisitive and will love acting out the story of Noah's Ark, hunting around the house for baby Moses, and telling the story of Ruth with colorful pipe-cleaner people.
  • Action-packed lessons teach about Lazarus, Ezekiel, Dorcas, David, Daniel, Cain, Samson, Lot and Abraham, and of course, Jesus himself.
  • A one year spiritual journey for any family who wants to put God at the center of their home! You'll learn 4 distinct spiritual disciplines: Bible reading, prayer, worship and service as you focus on different ways of learning and growing together. *Backorders expected to ship on or around 4/1/23.*
  • There's nothing more important than shepherding the next generation, but how do we do it? What does it look like? Who is involved? In Every Kid Matters, Mark Hallock and Frank Trimble will help parents, pastors, and church members answer these questions and more.
  • As we focus on Christ this Easter season, we’re going to take a closer look at some of His attributes. Jesus was and is:
    •  Eternal Son
    • Humble Savior
    •  Compassionate Shepherd
    •  Perfect Man
    •  Joyful Leader
    •  Risen Lord, and 
    • Victorious King! 
  • Take your family on a journey through the Advent season this Christmas! These four special activities (and bonus activity for after Christmas) will bring rich meaning and fun memories. PLUS, get to know missionaries on various journeys and pray for them as a family each week!
  • “Prepare” includes 7 Family Time activities that can be used weekly or daily to grow to know Christ more and to consider how the rhythms of the Christian calendar can help align your heart with God’s ways and God’s Truth for the sake of bringing salvation to both your children and the lost and dying world around you. Activity themes include: The temptation of Jesus in the wilderness Jesus as the Light of the World Jesus as Living Water The Last Supper and  Resurrection Day
  • 5 Family Time activities focus on the Names of God in Isaiah 9:6.
  • 12 Family Time activities that teach on the Holy Spirit and the Fruit of the Spirit
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