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As with the other books in this series (Bible Basics Boat and All Things Airways), we want this to be a book that can be used over and over throughout the life of your family as well as be enjoyed while you travel! This books uses catechism question and answer format mixed with fun activities to help your entire family grow in their faith together.
As with the other books in this series (Bible Basics Boat and All Things Airways), we want this to be a book that can be used over and over throughout the life of your family as well as be enjoyed while you travel! This books uses catechism question and answer format mixed with fun activities to help your entire family grow in their faith together.
The Famtime Box for “Prepare” includes 7 Family Time activities that can be used weekly or daily along with the supplies needed for each activity. Box includes:
- flashlights (2)
- trail mix
- bandages
- permanent marker (2)
- compass
- water bottle
- Alka Seltzer tablets (2)
- grape drink
- crackers
- candles (2)
“Prepare” includes 7 Family Time activities that can be used weekly or daily to grow to know Christ more and to consider how the rhythms of the Christian calendar can help align your heart with God’s ways and God’s Truth for the sake of bringing salvation to both your children and the lost and dying world around you. Activity themes include: The temptation of Jesus in the wilderness Jesus as the Light of the World Jesus as Living Water The Last Supper and Resurrection Day