
  • Ever wonder how to teach kids about modesty without preaching at them? Lesson 2 takes this biblical concept and opens up dialogue in some fun ways.
  • As we focus on Christ this Easter season, we’re going to take a closer look at some of His attributes. Jesus was and is:
    •  Eternal Son
    • Humble Savior
    •  Compassionate Shepherd
    •  Perfect Man
    •  Joyful Leader
    •  Risen Lord, and 
    • Victorious King! 
  • This 52 lesson Bible activity book will take the pieces of God's story and pull them together to give the full picture of what God has done and what he is doing with his people.
  • There's nothing more important than shepherding the next generation, but how do we do it? What does it look like? Who is involved? In Every Kid Matters, Mark Hallock and Frank Trimble will help parents, pastors, and church members answer these questions and more.
    • “What is Advent” info sheet
    • 4 family activities that correlate with the 4 Sundays in Advent
    • 1 short family devotional for Christmas Eve
    • 1 BONUS post-Christmas activity
    • 4 weekly, adult devotionals
    • 1 Advent calendar with optional activities to do every day (provided online)
    PLUS a beautiful set of 25 Christmas countdown cards with Scripture. Advent orders ship on or around November 1st!
  • The Famtime Box for “Prepare” includes 7 Family Time activities that can be used weekly or daily along with the supplies needed for each activity. Box includes:
    • flashlights (2)
    • trail mix
    • bandages
    • permanent marker (2)
    • compass
    • water bottle
    • Alka Seltzer tablets (2)
    • grape drink
    • crackers
    • candles (2)
    AND a Family Time Training drawstring bag *Supplies may vary from the items pictured.* Activity themes include: The temptation of Jesus in the wilderness Jesus as the Light of the World Jesus as Living Water The Last Supper and  Resurrection Day
  • You'll explore the names of God in Isaiah 9:6 as a family this Advent with 4 themed family activities plus a bonus activity for the New Year! Set of 25 Countdown cards to use daily to keep the focus on Jesus all season long.
  • Book your flight and grab your ticket - we’re taking to the skies! At All Things Airways you’ll take flight over the seven days of creation to see ALL the things God created. Land and sky, day and night, plants and animals, and people of course - a plane gives us the perfect view for all of them! Each of the 7 activities included in this Family Time activity book go soaring through the beauty of God’s created world! Buckle your seatbelt and store your carry-ons it's time to fly!
  • Using short, simple rhymes this books will make big ideas easy to understand for young ones. Be delighted together as you learn about our GREAT, GREAT God!
  • Family Time Bible activities based on classic hymns of the Christian faith. Paul tells us, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.” Colossians 3:16
  • This set of 4 Family Time activities is designed especially for preschoolers and early elementary aged children. The lessons can be done over and over again! You'll learn The Books of the Bible, the 1o Commandments, the 12 Disciples, and the Apostles' Creed. The FAMTIMEbox includes the simple supplies you need to enjoy all of the activities. To best meet the needs of families, we focused this series on minimal supplies that would also be easy to use while traveling!
  • Genesis to Revelation: Compare Bible History, World History, and Middle East History (2200 BC - AD 100) Full color, laminate. A perfect supplement to God's Awesome Story!
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