
About Frank Trimble

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So far Frank Trimble has created 32 blog entries.

Christmas Pajamas

It seems pretty common these days for people to take themselves a little too seriously. I know that I’ve been guilty of that tendency many times. Before meeting the woman that would become my wife, I wouldn’t even play board games! So much of an overemphasized need to be respected [...]

Christmas Pajamas2023-04-04T13:23:50-06:00

Visionary Church: How Your Church Can Strengthen Families By Rob Rienow

Just a few years ago, I was introduced to the writing and ministry of Dr. Rob Rienow. That same year, I had the privilege of sitting under his teaching for a day-long seminar. The experience left a lasting impression. Quickly, I picked up a few of his books and his [...]

Visionary Church: How Your Church Can Strengthen Families By Rob Rienow2022-10-05T09:56:55-06:00

Join Generations: Becoming Unashamedly Intergenerational By Matthew Deprez

I recently had the opportunity to interview Matthew Deprez on the FamTime Podcast and it was a pleasure. We met at Generations Church in Greeley, CO where Matthew serves as one of the pastors. From the moment we met, I could sense his passion for intergenerational ministry. His extensive background [...]

Join Generations: Becoming Unashamedly Intergenerational By Matthew Deprez2022-09-06T09:48:24-06:00

The Disciple-Making Parent: A Comprehensive Guidebook for Raising Children to Love and Follow Jesus Christ by Chap Bettis

It may seem like an overused description on these top 5 blogs, but the book we are looking at today is truly a one-stop-shop resource for parents. Can we pause for a moment to thank God that so many helpful books are available these days? Just this morning, I was [...]

The Disciple-Making Parent: A Comprehensive Guidebook for Raising Children to Love and Follow Jesus Christ by Chap Bettis2022-08-10T10:22:31-06:00

Father to the Fatherless

Father’s day marks an opportunity for churches to honor and challenge the men in their congregations. However, Fathers Day can feel pretty different when compared to the events surrounding of Mothers day.    Fathers Day can feel like a beat down for a lot of guys. I’ve even had men [...]

Father to the Fatherless2022-06-22T07:56:19-06:00

Raise to Release: A Missional Mandate for Parents By Victor and Esther Flores

I have to admit that this book has been practically forgotten on my shelf for several years. I was originally recommended the book by a friend and had every intention of reading it. However, dust collected on the cover as I focused on other books. I’m so glad that I [...]

Raise to Release: A Missional Mandate for Parents By Victor and Esther Flores2022-06-08T08:25:47-06:00

The Senior Pastor and the Reformation of Youth Ministry by Richard Ross

The Senior Pastor and the Reformation of Youth Ministry  by Richard Ross We have featured books by Dr. Richard Ross before and there are reasons. This man loves Jesus, loves his family, and is very passionate about youth & family ministry. You can always count on Dr. Ross to [...]

The Senior Pastor and the Reformation of Youth Ministry by Richard Ross2022-05-02T11:14:27-06:00

God Rewards Faith

Luke 7:1-10 (ESV) After he had finished all his sayings in the hearing of the people, he entered Capernaum. Now a centurion had a servant who was sick and at the point of death, who was highly valued by him. When the centurion heard about Jesus, he sent to him [...]

God Rewards Faith2022-04-28T10:24:56-06:00

For the Faith of the Next Generation: A Resource for Ministry Leaders and Parents By Julie Kurz

I love the D6 organization (, so when I see a new resource from them, I normally buy it immediately or place it on my Amazon wish list. Recently they published a book by Julie Kurz that sounded awesome! I had not heard of Julie before, but the book went [...]

For the Faith of the Next Generation: A Resource for Ministry Leaders and Parents By Julie Kurz2022-04-04T12:45:56-06:00

Adventure Awaits

Over the last year, I’ve been able to travel to different churches and organizations in order to partner with them in ministry. While I can’t say that traveling is my favorite activity, I can say that working with local churches is a blessing that I cherish.  The only true negative [...]

Adventure Awaits2022-03-17T13:19:15-06:00

A Neglected Grace: Family Worship in the Christian Home By Jason Helopoulos

A Neglected Grace: Family Worship in the Christian Home By Jason Helopoulos I’ve been aware of this book for years but only recently picked it up. I am so glad that I did! Here, we have another example of a seemingly one-stop-shop resources for families wanting to learn about family [...]

A Neglected Grace: Family Worship in the Christian Home By Jason Helopoulos2022-03-07T08:58:56-07:00

A Practical Theology of Family Worship: Richard Baxter’s Timeless Encouragement for Today’s Home By Dr. Jonathan Williams

I met Dr. Williams a few years before he earned his Ph.D. In that first meeting, and in every interaction since then, Dr. Williams consistently has shown his heart for Jesus.  Dr. Williams’ passion for family ministry, and thorough scholarship, comes through beautifully in his book on the practical theology [...]

A Practical Theology of Family Worship: Richard Baxter’s Timeless Encouragement for Today’s Home By Dr. Jonathan Williams2022-01-27T12:41:03-07:00

Lovingly Led to Light

I’ve noticed over the last several years that men’s ministry has adopted a general theme of authenticity at all costs. Seems legit…right? Before I became a Christian, using foul language was a part of my daily routine. I took great pleasure in utilizing the worst of the worst four letter [...]

Lovingly Led to Light2022-01-18T11:15:12-07:00

Messy Hope: Help Your Child Overcome Anxiety, Depression, or Suicidal Ideation By Lori Wildenburg

Though Lori has been active in ministry for many years, my first exposure to her came at one of Family Time’s first podcast recordings. From the moment I met Lori, I knew that she had a passion to help families in the name of Jesus.  Lori’s years of training and [...]

Messy Hope: Help Your Child Overcome Anxiety, Depression, or Suicidal Ideation By Lori Wildenburg2022-01-10T13:31:51-07:00

Shepherding a Child’s Heart by Tedd Tripp

When God gave me a passion for family ministry it was so exciting to learn about resources that others had benefited from for years. There were many times when I felt like I was late to a party. This was true when I first discovered Shepherding a Child’s Heart by [...]

Shepherding a Child’s Heart by Tedd Tripp2021-12-06T13:29:46-07:00

Grounded in the Gospel: Building Believers the Old-Fashioned Way

  Any time I see the name, J.I. Packer on a book, I become instantly interested. If you have never heard of this man, google his name. Hop on to YouTube and watch some videos. I bet you’ll begin to see why I admire the legacy this man left for [...]

Grounded in the Gospel: Building Believers the Old-Fashioned Way2021-11-05T08:48:52-06:00

The Real Husband

Recently, I was scrolling through social media and began seeing a quote by D.L. Moody repeatedly shared by many of my friends. It was the typical situation of one of us finding a quote that we liked and then agreed with the statement by sharing it. My friends were quoting [...]

The Real Husband2021-10-28T13:42:26-06:00

Gospel Family: Cultivating Family Discipleship, Family Worship, & Family Mission

I met Dr. Williams years ago through a recommendation from a mutual friend. I was in an early season of exploration in family ministry and I was hungry for guidance. Our first meeting was over a Zoom call in which I asked him too many questions. However, he was gracious, [...]

Gospel Family: Cultivating Family Discipleship, Family Worship, & Family Mission2021-10-05T08:00:52-06:00

Parenting With Kingdom Purpose by Ken Hemphill & Richard Ross

Here again I find myself recommending one of the few books that I’ve read more than once! Two amazing Christian leaders, Dr. Richard Ross Ph.D. & Dr. Ken Hemphill Ph.D., collaborated to produce, for churches and families, a seemingly one stop shop on the topic of family ministry. After reading [...]

Parenting With Kingdom Purpose by Ken Hemphill & Richard Ross2021-09-05T22:08:10-06:00

Family Ministry and the Church: A Leader’s Guide for Ministry Through Families By Dr. Chris Shirley

Chris Shirley was one of the reasons I returned to Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary for training in family ministry. He serves as the Associate Dean of the Jack D. Terry School of Educational Ministries and is a professor of educational ministries. His expertise includes, but is not limited to, family [...]

Family Ministry and the Church: A Leader’s Guide for Ministry Through Families By Dr. Chris Shirley2021-08-13T09:49:25-06:00

A Father Who Can Rest

A few years ago, my wife started noticing that I had the ability to fall asleep basically anywhere! Also, when I would fall asleep in random places, I often looked pretty funny. So, in good humor, my wife started documenting these random sleep moments and the funny faces I would [...]

A Father Who Can Rest2021-08-13T09:49:25-06:00

The Legacy Path: Discover Intentional Spiritual Parenting by Brian Haynes

When I was initially exposed to prominent family ministry voices, Brian Haynes came highly recommended to me. At that stage in my growth, I was like a sponge. I loved reading as much as I could in this new (to me) world of family ministry. Authors like Brian were blowing [...]

The Legacy Path: Discover Intentional Spiritual Parenting by Brian Haynes2021-08-13T09:49:25-06:00

A Legacy Worth Imitating

As a child of the 90s, I grew up in a great era of basketball heroes. I just knew that one day I would be slamming the ball like Shaq or confusing defenders with super-human dribbling skills like Iverson. Unfortunately, I’m only 5’9” and can’t jump very high. Although there [...]

A Legacy Worth Imitating2021-08-13T09:49:25-06:00

Rewriting Fathers by Brandon Cave and Preston Cave

Rewriting Fathers by Brandon Cave and Preston Cave If I’m honest, it has always been hard for me to get excited about books that are targeted to fathers. I love the topic, but so many of the books, I see on the shelves, seem to market ideas that don’t really [...]

Rewriting Fathers by Brandon Cave and Preston Cave2021-08-13T09:49:25-06:00

Open Book Fatherhood

I’m going to jump out there with an assumption...You kids probably don’t know enough about you. Now, again, I know I’m assuming things here, but its something that I’ve noticed over the years. For many children, the lives and backgrounds of their fathers remain a mystery, but who cares? Family [...]

Open Book Fatherhood2021-08-13T09:49:25-06:00

“Raising Worry-Free Girls” by Sissy Goff

  "Raising Worry-Free Girls" by Sissy Goff I’ll never forget the moment that I found out I was going to be a dad. I was on a church staff retreat in Broken Bow Oklahoma. It was an early morning, and my pastor was cooking us breakfast. My wife and I [...]

“Raising Worry-Free Girls” by Sissy Goff2021-08-13T09:49:26-06:00

A Uniting Dad

A Uniting Dad I’ve always been interested in music. During my adolescent years, I focused an enormous amount of time on the different tones that guitars and amps could provide. I had a certain tone that I loved and always sought to imitate that tone within my own equipment setup. [...]

A Uniting Dad2021-08-13T09:49:26-06:00

“Youth Ministry That Lasts a Lifetime” by Dr. Richard Ross.

Youth Ministry That Lasts a Lifetime by Dr. Richard Ross Dr. Richard Ross is a youth ministry professor at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and has served faithfully in that role for several decades. He is a sought-after speaker and author in youth ministry but is also a scholarly and passionate [...]

“Youth Ministry That Lasts a Lifetime” by Dr. Richard Ross.2021-08-13T09:49:26-06:00

A Protective Dad

Growing up, I always felt the need to give the impression that I could defend myself. Even though I had never been in a real fight, I worked to give off the impression that I could stand my ground if necessary. Most of the guys around me did the same [...]

A Protective Dad2021-08-13T09:49:26-06:00

Top Five Recommended Reads

Family Ministry Field Guide: How Your Church Can Equip Parents to Make Disciples by Timothy Paul Jones For the life of me, I cannot remember how I was first exposed to the writings of Dr. Timothy Paul Jones of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.1 Regardless, I’m very thankful to have [...]

Top Five Recommended Reads2021-08-13T09:49:26-06:00

A Welcoming Dad

Recently, I scheduled an appointment to get a haircut. This is a monthly ritual for me, and I always look forward to spending time with my barber. We always have great conversations about a myriad of topics but in this particular visit, the discussion drifted toward the topic of family. [...]

A Welcoming Dad2021-08-13T09:49:26-06:00

Family Worship by Donald Whitney

I first heard about Dr. Donald S. Whitney through a book entitled The Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life . I was assigned that book while in seminary, and it meant the world to me. 1 From then on, I paid attention when I heard his name mentioned. Eventually, I [...]

Family Worship by Donald Whitney2021-08-13T09:49:26-06:00
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