Looking for ideas? Encouragement? Inspiration? Truth from God’s Word? Our prayer is that you’ll find it here! Have suggestions for topics? Email Jenna at [email protected].
Preparing to Battle the Post-Christmas letdown
Beware of the post-Christmas letdown! What can we do to [...]
Thankful for Tough Seasons
As parents, we each go through tough seasons with our [...]
GRATEFUL for THANKSMAS Thanksgiving is usually when every bed in [...]
Intentional Stolen Moment Dates
Lately, my usual intentional spiritual training times have looked very [...]
Raising Wise Children: Handing Down the Story of Wisdom By Mark Matlock
I first learned about Mark Matlock through his ministry with [...]
Honor Their Father and Mother
Remember me telling you that our middle daughter lives in [...]
Darkness is as Light to God
Let’s talk about another reason many children struggle with bedtime. [...]
Tips for Tricky Bedtime Struggles
Bedtime is a tricky time for so many parent/child relationships. [...]
Visionary Church: How Your Church Can Strengthen Families By Rob Rienow
Just a few years ago, I was introduced to the [...]
A Helpful Tool to Teach Children Self-Control
This title may seem like I’m about to complain about [...]
Apples to Apples
A game our children enjoy playing together as a family [...]
Grand Art Album
I am the mother of three adult children and the [...]